Agile Telecom Website

Agile Telecom's website is the place where the customer can discover all about the company's identity, history, performances and culture

Project Start



Pattern Library



Tech stack

WordPress, Figma

What’s the current status?

In response to Agile Telecom's changing strategy and brand guidelines, a new website was built. The pattern library played a crucial role in supporting the design and facilitating future updates. With the transition to the Growens brand, components, designer tools, and pages were added or modified to ensure consistency. The pattern library continues to be monitored by all stakeholders involved, enabling Agile Telecom to adapt and maintain a cohesive user experience.

What we have done


Style Guideline definition for Agile


Creation of the Pattern Library


Second Pattern Library iteration and identification of a compatible WordPress template


Delivery to stakeholders and monitoring changes to the current website

Building elements in the Pattern Library

During the creation of Agile Telecom's pattern library, we embarked on a comprehensive journey to enhance the overall appearance of the website. Our meticulous approach involved examining the entire ecosystem, ensuring that every element adhered to the style guidelines and seamlessly integrated with the WordPress template.

Documenting the final result

Each element made in the Pattern Library was documented with regards to its properties, behaviours and variations. This helped us to achieve the goal of having and maintaining consistent interfaces over time, since we need to communicate our work to an external agency.

Organisms: the Pattern Inventory

The creation of organisms  serves two main purposes: speeding up the creation of new pages and simplifying future work. By utilizing pre-designed modules, organisms enable faster page development while ensuring consistency across the website. This streamlines the workflow, allowing the team to focus on innovation and delivering an exceptional user experience.

Want to know more about the Agile Telecom website project?

We adopt a full-transparent approach and we let all the designers access, take inspiration and even duplicate our Pattern library. We are not afraid of duplicated components and layers called “Rectangle 4920”. Every designer does that, just a few admit it.

Other Design Systems


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